Mastercard Cyber & Intelligence Solutions Market Product Management

Antonio joined Mastercard in 2011 as part of the Sales Expert team (Italy & Greece) for Prepaid & Emerging Payments and business development. After a considerable period spent working as Sales Account he joined the Cyber & Intelligence Solution team in 2017 being responsible for the development of MasterCard Cyber & Intelligence Solutions strategy and go to market in Italy. In this role he is focusing also on PSD2, Security and Authentication and he is responsible for driving the Italian authentication value chain to get into compliance with the European regulation. Before joining Mastercard Antonio has spent the first 8 years of his carrier in the strategic advisor space working for Bain & Co.

Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2019
Data Conferenza
07-11-2019 alle 17:00 Sessione - Digital on boarding, biometria e nuovi sistemi di autenticazione: le nuove frontiere della sicurezza
Edizione 2020
Data Conferenza
06-11-2020 alle 15:45 Sessione - Biometria e biometria comportamentale: le nuove frontiere della sicurezza mobile
Edizione 2021
Data Conferenza
05-11-2021 alle 14:00 Le frodi nell’e-commerce: prevenzione e risposta