Paolo is C-level advisor for banking innovation, mentoring financial institutions and entrepreneurs globally on digital business models and investment analytics. He is visiting professor on Fintech innovation for post-graduate courses and formerly held senior roles in quantitative risk management and investment banking. He owns a track record as startup entrepreneur, and is author of bestselling literature on finance, technology and regulation to guide financial services towards sustaining innovation out of today’s disrupted landscape. Author’s page


Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2017
Data Conferenza
24-11-2017 alle 09:00 I pagamenti da e verso la PA: novità e prossimi passi
23-11-2017 alle 15:00 Industry 4.0. Come il digitale può rafforzare il ruolo economico delle Donne
24-11-2017 alle 14:30 Start-up
Edizione 2018
Data Conferenza
08-11-2018 alle 14:00 The POV of Fintech investors and enablers: what is still missing in the Fintech landscape