ETPPA – European Third Party Providers Association  Vice-Chair

Arturo is the Vice-Chair of ETPPA, the European Third Party Providers Association,  and  co-Chair of the SPAA initiative.  Before that, he was the CEO of Eurobits, the company that introduced Account Information Services in Europe in 2003.  Arturo launched Eurobits, went through an MBO and ultimately sold the company to Tink, which is now a part of Visa.  His career has been marked by his role in the introduction of high-tech products and services to the financial sector. Arturo is also the Chair of AEFI, the Spanish Fintech and Insurtech Association, and represents the ETPPA at the ERPB and the EPC where he is a board member.

Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2022
Data Conferenza
24-11-2022 alle 14:00 Prospettive e strategie nel mercato europeo dei pagamenti al dettaglio
25-11-2022 alle 09:30 Verso una possibile PSD3