Mastercard Director Digital Payments & Labs

Lorenzo Fredianelli has over 15 years of experience in project and product management. Responsible for the Mastercard Digital Commerce product portfolio including eCommerce, e/m wallets, Business/Person to Business/Person payments and Converged user experience. In the current role, he is actively dealing with key stakeholders in the payment ecosystem like Financial institutions, service providers, merchants and Fintech. Prior to Mastercard he has been senior project manager with LG Electronics, working on multiple leading projects in the telecom industry.

Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2018
Data Conferenza
08-11-2018 alle 14:00 La customer experience nei pagamenti evoluti
08-11-2018 alle 17:00 IoT e pagamenti: comprare nel mondo di domani
Edizione 2019
Data Conferenza
07-11-2019 alle 15:30 Sessione - AI, machine learning, algoritmi e pagamenti: dove siamo e dove stiamo andando
Edizione 2020
Data Conferenza
06-11-2020 alle 10:00 Sessione - Augmented Experience: quando i pagamenti vanno oltre il semplice acquisto
04-11-2020 alle 16:00 Sessione - Open banking: la vera rivoluzione è adesso